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Louisa Bogaerts

Principle Investigator

After completing my PhD in 2015, I conducted research on statistical learning and individual differences in different labs around the world (New Haven, Marseille, Jerusalem, Amsterdam).

Download my CV if you want to know it all.


I take great joy in discussing ideas and designing experiments. Despite being dyslexic, I enjoy both reading and writing (science and fiction).

Louisa about the Team

Haoyu (Nina) Zhou, Liesa Ravijts and Christophe Vanhouwe have joined the lab as PhD candidates on the Odysseus project!


Sam Boeve and Brent Vernaillen were granted PhD fellowships to investigate predictive reading and flexible statistical learning.


We also regularly host predoctoral students for internships and Master projects.

©2021 by Louisa Bogaerts

©Logo credit: Jasper de Waard

Photo credit: Anton Coene & Patrick De Rocker

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